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Welcome to our website!


I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Chris! I welcome you to our brand new online home. Take some time a see what we have to offer to our visitors, members, and community. May God continue to bless you.

In His Service,

Pastor Leroy Evans, M.Div.

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Our Worship

We are a church that worships our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Serving our Community

We are a church that serves our community with the love of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Evans, Food Bank Representative,
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We, the members of Union Baptist Church, are persuaded by God, through the Holy Spirit, to be

a congregation of baptized believers in Christ, united in His love, compelling all mankind to

accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We will strive to:

  • promote and maintain spiritual growth

  • provide aide and assistance to our members and community

  • religiously educate on biblical principles

  • encourage all members to be active, faithful, and supportive, both temporal and spiritual

to the advancement and furtherance of the church

always honor God through praise and worship acknowledging Him as the head of our







Union Baptist Church

5962 Laurel Spring

Road, Spring Grove, Virginia


Sunday  | 11:00AM in-person

Wednesday Bible Study | 7:00PM virtual

Call In: 701-802-5376


Worship Via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 870 5446 2160
Passcode: 596095

© 2021 by Union Baptist Church. PrWebsite designed by  Ashton Creative Group, LLC

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