It was through an unwavering desire to praise the Lord that we can credit the beginning of
Union Baptist Church. Over a century ago a little hut stood in the woods not far from where we
now sit comfortably every Sunday. This hut was called a “bush hovel” and it was here that a
few faithful Christians, led by Mr. Braxton Chappelle, gathered to worship.
Chappelle purchased a track of land and built a log church called Chappelle Church on the
portion of the land where the church annex now rests. In 1881, following the death of Mr.
Chappelle, a group of deacons and trustees organized and purchased additional land from Mr.
W. B. Clary. With the new land, construction of the church as it appears begun. Through
dedication, hard work and determination of the church deacons…Deacon George Ellis, Deacon
Daniel Ellis, Deacon Armistead Jefferson, deacon George Cotton, Deacon James Evans, Deacon
Walter Gilchrist and Deacon King S. Fitchett…the church was completed. The structure that was
completed then now serves as the church sanctuary and in July 1881, the Chappelle Church was
renamed and dedicated as the Union Baptist Church with Reverend E. E. Royals as the Pastor.
The church structure remined unchanged until 1935. Summarized below are the more notably
additions and changes.
In the 192 years since its origin as Chappelle Church and 139 since its change and dedication as
the Union Baptist Church, the Church has undergone its share of changes and bodes a proud
history. As can be seen in the Roll Call of Pastors below, Union Baptist has only been without a
Pastor just shy of six years and it has never closed-down.
has been. It is also a time to reflect and to use the determination of the past to push us towards the future as we continue to “Stand on God’s Promises with Fervor ”TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Rev. E.E. Royal 1881-1906
Rev. Reid Uncertain
Rev. Ben Richardson Uncertain
Rev. James Keiser Uncertain
Rev. B. F. Gardner Uncertain
Rev. M. R. Newsome 1929-1934
Rev. J. H. Jones 1935-1949
Rev. B. T. Starks 1949-1954
Without a Pastor 1954-1955
Rev. C. C. Dickerson 1956-1961
Without a Pastor 1961-1962
Rev. T. A. Lacy 1962-1967
Rev. Joseph Haden 1967-1971
Rev. Adam Grimes 1972-1978
Rev. Robert Pettis (Acting Pastor) 1979-1980
Rev. Bernard Chaney 1981-1983
Rev. William O. Greene 1984-1994
Dr. Rev. Robert L Elliott, Jr. 1995-2000
Rev. Michael Outen 2003-2004
Without a Pastor 2004-2005
Rev. Darryl Jones (Supply Pastor) 2005-2005
Rev. Darryl Jones 2006-2010
Without a Pastor 2010 -2012
Rev. Antonio Meade 2012 –2020
Rev. Leroy Evans Pastor 2020-Present